
Simpson History



Alexander Hamilton Simpson Sr. 80 year old murder mystery solved! Two Simpson brothers murdered by a sheriff in 1922 (pictured below, lower left). A 3rd brother (upper left) kills the sheriff, which was a family secret for 80 years.
John "Scotsman" Simpson Original Simpson to settle in VA, from Scotland.
Captain Nathaniel Hart Negotiated the largest private land purchase in US history, buying the entire state of Kentucky. Settled Boonesborough with Daniel Boone, then killed by Indians.
Nancy Ann Hart Heroine of the Revolutionary War, acted as spy disguised as man, killed 6 Tories.
General Thomas Simpson Woodward Founder of Tuskegee, Alabama with a National Park Service historic marker dedicated in 2010.
Col. Richard "Duke" Simpson Ringleader of the infamous persecution and massacre of Mormons in Missouri in 1830s.
Evan Shelby Jr. Capture of General Shelby's slave girl by Indians.
Alice Youngblood Short book of poems and stories about farm life in the Civil War era.
Rebecca Ann Johnston A young girl's harrowing tale of travel with her mother and brothers by stagecoach to California in 1860.
Isaac Shelby First Governor of Kentucky, 9 states have counties named after him.


William Penn and Iva Nonnie Moon Simpson family picture 1899
1899 Simpsons

Top row Alexander Hamilton, William Thomas, I. Ola, Cora
Middle row -  Joseph Harrison, William Penn, Iva Nonnie, James Franklin
Bottom row -  Oliver Orion, Myrtle Vivian
(on lap)

Comments, corrections or additional information are gratefully received by Ralph Simpson at


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